


Improve runnability by identifying unwanted speed differences between rolls, fabrics and felts. There is no faster way to find unexpected speed differences due to slipping drive rolls and input errors in the Drive Control System (DCS).

Why measure the speed of clothing and rolls?

The Drive Control System does not measure the individual speeds of felts and fabrics, but uses a calculated approximation: the roll diameters and an estimation of the Paper Machine Clothing are manually (!) entered into the system and then the surface speed is estimated.

Manual input of data entails the risk of typing errors, using incorrect data or forgetting to update data after a roll change. Also a slipping roll can seriously confuse the Drive Control System. The DCS will state that all section speeds are set correctly, but the paper maker is confronted with numerous breaks, unusual draw or sheet surface defects.

Measure where it matters: measure the surface speed

Especially when the machine runs at its limits, precisely controlled speed differences between individual pieces of Paper Machine Clothing are essential for a steady run. To the delicate sheet, only the surface speed matters, as this determines the actual draw (or push!) on the hseet. 

Sometimes complicated and expensive laser-Doppler systems are used to measure the speed of rolls or fabrics in paper machines. Compared to such a system, the Feltest TrueSpeed has many advantages: is ready for use in a minute and the measurement itself takes the same.